Join Our Petra Family


Application Form

    Your Details

    Section 1a: Student's Details

    In the event that father and mother are not residing at the same address, please advise student's address:

    Section 1b: Parents' Details

    Father's Details

    Is he a member?


    Mother's Details

    Is she a member?

    Guardian's Details




    Section 1c: Sibling Details






    understand that full school fees are due and payable on the first day of term and that one term's notice or a term's fees in lieu thereof must be paid if the child is being removed/transferred from the college.


    (parent/guardian) fully understand that Petra College is a Christian school and all children enrolled at the school will be taught the tenets of the Christian faith. All children enrolled at the school are required to participate in all aspects of school life which includes Sports Days and Galas (held on Saturday), Christmas Plays, Speech Nights and any other function the school deems necessary for children to attend (Time with Jesus and Assemblies). I also agree to follow the School Regulations as set out in the Parents Handbook. Application for enrollment is submitted on this understanding.